You can break a block tower, I will aim to become the highest score!
Rule is simple!
It is successful will turn off the block of white Touch , if you allowed to land on the floor block of purple .
However, it is failed or dropped from a high place a block of purple , if I fall in off-site .
Since the deduction is to be off the block of white , lets aim for success , so as to not lose a block of white as possible .
In addition, the penalty is increased more when I would not drop to curb a block of white , lets careful not to drop the curb .
The physical simulation puzzle game made with simple Unity engine .
All stages in 30 types !
[Operation description]
Block disappears : touch the white block .
Swipe to the left and right : Tower block is rotated .
swipe up and down : I will move up and down the block tower .
Pinch in / pinch out : Tower block will shrink and expand .
· Powerd by Unity
· Sound by devil soul
Music studio of hydrangea tea